Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
A treatment that uses the plasma component which contains stem cells and growth rich platelets. When injected back into the skin, it accelerates the body's natural production of collagen and elastin to provide overall skin rejuvenation
Also known as PRP therapy, this procedure consists of two elements: plasma, or the liquid portion of blood, and platelets, a type of blood cell that plays an important role in healing throughout the body. Platelets are well-known for their clotting abilities, but they also contain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration or healing in the treated area.
Bruising, bleeding and swelling are the more common side effects post PRP Therapy and this can last 24-48 hours.
Anyone who is not pregnant or breastfeeding can be a good candidate for PRP. There are no allergy risks as your own blood is used which has no chance of a reaction
Majority of clients will require a minimum of 3 treatments in order to see optimal results, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart. However, consultation is required with our medical team to determine suitability. Results can be slow, think of it as a long term investment rather than short term. This is because the skin is both growing new cells and regenerating the old ones.